Tuesday, March 22, 2011

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Jamie Lim (2)

What traits does a leader possess?
  • An open mind.  A leader who makes decisions and then never listens to any arguments about those decisions cannot really be a good leader.  Such a leader will tend to just go with his/her instincts rather than listening to all sides and deciding which is best.
  • Decisiveness.  However, once a leader has listened to all sides, he or she will often need to make a strong decision quickly.  A leader who is wishy-washy will not be good either.
  • Finally, a leader needs to be calm.  Leaders who respond out of passion rather than out of reason will make too many mistakes.
How does a good leader manages crisis under stressful situations?

I think that they choose to calm down so that they will be able to think clearly on how to manage their current crisis.


eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Velusamy Sathiakumar Ragul Balaji (19)

What traits do leaders possess?
  • Honest — Display sincerity, integrity, and candor in all your actions.
  • Competent — Base your actions on reason and moral principles.
  • Forward-looking — Set goals and have a vision of the future. The vision must be owned throughout the organization. Effective leaders envision what they want and how to get it.
  • Inspiring — Display confidence in all that you do. By showing endurance in mental, physical, and spiritual stamina, you will inspire others to reach for new heights.
  • Intelligent — Read, study, and seek challenging assignments.
  • Fair-minded — Show fair treatment to all people. Display empathy by being sensitive to the feelings, values, interests, and well-being of others.
  • Broad-minded — Seek out diversity.
  • Courageous — Have the perseverance to accomplish a goal, regardless of the seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Display a confident calmness when under stress.
  • Straightforward — Use sound judgment to make a good decisions at the right time.
  • Imaginative — Make timely and appropriate changes in your thinking, plans, and methods. Show creativity by thinking of new and better goals, ideas, and solutions to problems. Be innovative

How do you think a good leader manages crisis under stressful situations?
        I think that good leaders will not get angry, but think through the situation and decide his next move using past experiences, reasons or moral principles.He takes responsibility for the action of others even in dangerous or hard situations. He cares for his followers.

Basically he will be a role model...

Velusamy Sathiakumar Ragul Balaji(19/)

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Princeton Poh (13)

Improving leadership skills allows for advancement within a company and increases the performance of those with whom you work. As a leadership communications coach, I have created a new program, "Grade Yourself as a Leader," in which I have identified 22 traits that successful leaders possess. Following is an overview of those traits. Which ones do you need to work on to reach your next level of leadership?

some of the most basic traits:

  • Honest — Display sincerity, integrity, and candor in all your actions. Deceptive behavior will not inspire trust.
  • Competent — Base your actions on reason and moral principles. Do not make decisions based on childlike emotional desires or feelings.
  • Forward-looking — Set goals and have a vision of the future. The vision must be owned throughout the organization. Effective leaders envision what they want and how to get it. They habitually pick priorities stemming from their basic values.
  • Inspiring — Display confidence in all that you do. By showing endurance in mental, physical, and spiritual stamina, you will inspire others to reach for new heights. Take charge when necessary.
  • Intelligent — Read, study, and seek challenging assignments.
  • Fair-minded — Show fair treatment to all people. Prejudice is the enemy of justice. Display empathy by being sensitive to the feelings, values, interests, and well-being of others.
  • Broad-minded — Seek out diversity.
  • Courageous — Have the perseverance to accomplish a goal, regardless of the seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Display a confident calmness when under stress.
  • Straightforward — Use sound judgment to make a good decisions at the right time.
  • Imaginative — Make timely and appropriate changes in your thinking, plans, and methods. Show creativity by thinking of new and better goals, ideas, and solutions to problems. Be innovative!

Positive - You set the tone for your environment. An optimistic attitude from a leader can carry over to others. What type of tone are you setting at the shop? Is it one of optimism or one of pessimism? Confidence is contagious; so is the lack of it. Employees mirror the tone that leaders set. Be an encourager.

Responsible - Leaders accept challenges as well as successes. If an employee makes a mistake, it is your responsibility to help him or her improve. Employees will never respect a leader who deflects criticism toward the team. Successful leaders think of themselves as "we," not "I." It is a leader's responsibility to ensure that everyone shares in the team's success. And these are some of the traits.

How do you think a good leader manages crisis under stressful situations?

I think that as leaders we have to first be able to keep both our teammates and ourselves calm before doing anything. We should discuss the root of where the stress is coming from and dealt with it correctly. The leader should also listen to his or her teammates' opinion and understand how they feel and encourage everyone to be and stay on the right track. Finally the leader must go through the obstacles with the team together.




Princeton Poh

eLearning CE: Activity 3 Muhammad Hamidshah Bin Nasharuddin(12)

Research on lives of a leader.
  • What traits do they possess?
Honesty - Have to display sincerity, integrity and candor in all the actions.
If we don't follow honesty, we will not inspire trust.

Competent - The actions should be based on reasons and moral principles. 
We should not anyhow make decisions.

Forward looking - We have to set our own goals for our future and have a vision of the future. 
Effective leaders envision what they want and how to get it.

Inspiring - We must be confident in every step we take. 
In that way we can inspire others to reach for new heights.

Intelligent - Read, study and seek challenging assignments.

Fair-minded - We have to treat everyone fairly. We have to think of other people's feelings.

Broad-minded - Seek out diversity.

Courageous - We must persevere to reach our goals. 

Straightforward - Use sound judgement to make a good decision at the right time

Imaginative - Make necessary changes in our thinking, plans and methods. 
We have to show creativity by setting new and better goals, ideas and solutions to problems. 
So we have to be innovative too!

Multiple Options - When there is a problem we have to think of multiple ways to solve it
  • How do you think a good leader manages crisis under stressful situations?
In my opinion good leaders will think through and check if their decisions are correct and think of what is best for the situation, not their own personal gain and then will make their next step calmly with confidence. They have to take ownership of the results.


Muhammad Hamidshah Bin Nasharuddin(12)

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Tay Yong Hong (16)

A leader, to be successful, must be positive. It is essential as it sets an optimistic environment for your team mates. Moreover, a leader must be responsible in whatever he/she does. This is vital as leaders need to allow their team mates to improve. Thus, it is their responsibility to help them improve. Leaders also have to be good listeners. They must make sure they do not become bossy as to order others what to do but also listen to others opinion especially when discussing on a certain project. Communication is crucial as a leader so as to convey any messages over to the team e.g telling them what to do. 
Having the skills above is not enough. In a crisis, leaders must act fast and not hurriedly. This is crucial as not to spark chaos within the team. Even before doing this, leaders are supposed to understand the occurring situation and react  to that situation. Last but not least, if the crisis causes chaos, no one might be taking control. Leaders have to use this opportunity to take control and prevent the crisis from getting worse.

Modified from sources:

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Darren Lim Ming Xuan (7)

What traits do leader possess:

1. They have the Ability to Communicate the Visions

2. They have the Ability to Connect with People

3. They are able to  Accept Responsibilities Others Won't

4. They are able to Be a Learner

5. They are able to Be a Good Listener

6. They have the Ability to Effect Change

7. They are Purpose Driven

8. They Admit Their Mistakes

9. They can Empower - Equip and Develop People

10. They are able to  Commit Themselves to the 9 Qualities Above

How do you think a good leader manages crisis under stressful situations:

I think that good leaders would still take up the leadership role and not show fear to his/her team members or teammates, and calm them down in times of crisis first.
Then a good leader would put his/her self in others' shoes and think what they are feeling in time of crisis.
After that, a good leader would not step down, and encourage the others to follow his/her lead, and help him/her in solving the problem.
Finally, the good leader would lead his/her team, to take up the challenge, face it, and overcome the crisis. 


And thanks to:

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Dylaine Ho (1)

A leader has to possess:
  • Responsibility - Doing what is expected of them
  • Obedience - Cheerfully carrying out the directions and wishes of those who are responsible for them
  • Self-control - Rejecting their own desires and doing what is right
  • Virtue - Demonstrating honesty and integrity in their life by doing what is right
  • Tolerance - Accepting others at different levels of maturity
  • Truthfulness - Earning future trust by accurately reporting past facts
  • Patience - Accepting a difficult situation without giving a deadline to remove it
  • Forgiveness - Clearing the record of those who have wronged me and not holding a grudge
  • Punctuality - Showing esteem for other people and their time
How I think a leader manages a crisis:
He/she keeps calm and focuses on solving the issue. This helps the staff working under him/her feel calm and focused to solve the issue. If the leader cracks then their staff can also feel too much of the heat which will extend the amount of time it takes to solve the crisis.

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Liu Guo Jin (11)

Traits a good leader should possess: 
1. Honest - Display sincerity, integrity, and candor in all your actions. 
2. Competent - Base your actions on reason and moral principles. 
3. Forward-looking - Set goals and have a vision of the future. The vision must be owned throughout the organization. Effective leaders envision what they want and how to get it. 
4. Inspiring - Display confidence in all that you do. By showing endurance in mental, physical, and spiritual stamina, you will inspire others to reach for new heights. 
5. Intelligent - Read, study, and seek challenging assignments.
6. Fair-minded - Show fair treatment to all people. Prejudice is the enemy of justice. Display empathy by being sensitive to the feelings, values, interests, and well being of others.
7. Broad-minded - Seek out diversity.
8. Courageous - Have the perseverance to accomplish a goal, regardless of the seemingly insurmountable obstacles. 
9. Straightforward - Use sound judgment to make good decisions at the right time.
10. Imaginative - Make timely and appropriate changes in your thinking, plans, and methods. 

A Leader will have the courage and think of an intelligent plan and execute that plan with excellence to manage the crisis. 

Citation of resources: http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/leader/leadchr.html

Learning CE: Activity 3 Woo Jun Wei (20)

A leader would be helpful, kind, caring, compassionate, patient, loyal, sociable. A leader would guide others to the right path. A leader will help those in need of help. A leader would care about others. A leader would be patient with others. A leader would not betray others. A leader is sociable with all.

A leader would not get emotional and stressed, he would not get frustrated. He would handle the situation calmly. A leader would think before acting, to make sure he does not worsen the situation.

Resources/references: No resources/references.

eLearning CE: Activity 3 -Dominic Wong (8)

What traits do leaders possess?

1. Trustworthy- 
A good leader practices what he or she preaches earning the right to lead others and have responsibility for them. Trustworthiness is the source of the real authority, based on the trust of other people.

2. Confident- 
A true leader must exude confidence in his role and position towards others. The team members will be highly motivated to do a good job when the leader is confident in his or her powers and theirs, at the same time.

4. Orderly- Some situations may require other attitudes from the leader. In times of uncertainty and stress, the leader must prove to be orderly and able to work towards the final purpose. This will give a feeling of reassurance and security to the team, which expects confidence and a positive demeanor from their leader.

5. Ambition- Any good leader should not settle for the second place. Success is a matter of who wins the top. A true leader will always have high standards and he or she will strive for excellence in every aspect.

How do you think a good leader manages crisis under stressful situations?

A good leader would keep calm, composed and steadfast to the main purpose. The one that succeeds to keep a cool head in times of need is a great leader.

Leadership activity 3

1)They must be able to be calm and manage to let everyone trust him!
2)He stays calm and calm everyone else down.

eLearning CE: Activity 3 -Sean Chin Ze-Xi (6)

A good leader must possess good traits like:
1.Have a balanced persona
2.Be team orientated
3.A good listener
4.A very good role model and not be the boss
5.Have confidence in yourself and the ones whom you work with
6.Have good communication skills
7.To be able to focus well on important matters
8.Being able to take responsibility and ownership
9.Is approachable by team members for help
10.Believes in follow up


eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Jean Yee(3)

The traits that leaders possess are that they have to be visible to others who is woking with him/her or at work, consistent in their work, have initiative, be positive, be responsible. They also have to listen to the people they are working with, as well as recognize their hard work, communicate with them, and be fun! No one likes a dull and boring leader, right? I think that good leaders do not blow up in anger when faced with a crisis, in fact, they stay calm as ever while finding out a way that makes the crisis a win-win end. If not, they will try to make the crisis blow over, to try to soften it down. They could also try to relieve a little of the stress in the situation, until when they come to their wits' end, they will have to take more drastic measures. 

And my own experiences, and thinkings 

Qualities of a good leader

What traits do good leaders possess?


They view things as what they could be and not what they are. 

2. Wise 

Good leaders are strategic, wise and perceptive. 

3. Passionate

They operate with such a high level of passion that they get consumed in it. 

4. Compassion 

Good leaders have compassion for their supporters or employees. They have great coaching and development skills.They're not selfish individuals only thinking about their own wants and needs. Most have a heart for the people that follow them. 

5. Charismatic

 They're charming individuals and they tend to draw people in with their personalities.

6. Great Communicators 

Good leaders are usually great orators and persuaders. They're very comfortable with public speaking and are very inspiring people.

7. Persistent

Good leaders are determined in attaining their goals.

8. Integrity 

They have integrity. They're individuals who keep their guarantees and they do not play the old political games that plenty of others do.

9. Daring 

Good leaders are bold enough to chase after their dreams. Although the fears are real, a daring leader pursues them regardless of the fears that exist. 

10. Disciplined 

Most good leaders are very controlled in the pursuit of their goals. Where most individuals would be simply distracted or dejected, good leaders discipline their minds to keep focused and steady regardless of the situation. 

How do you think a good leader manages crisis under stressful situations?

They have very good discipline.



eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Velmurugan Pravin(18)

Traits a leader must possess
1) Being able to listen: Often time leaders of companies talk too much and listen too little

 2)Being able to acknowledge and change: This is one of the hardest characteristics to adopt in your life. Change is hard for people and they often resist it.

3)Communication: This is probably one of the most important aspects of being successful. Even if your primary means of communication is the internet, you may need to use face to face communication down the road .

4)Display high levels of confidence and optimism: Successful people are not afraid of failure and they believe in themselves. They look at every struggle as a path to their success.

Leaders must manage their stress by taking some time to relax to prevent their anger from venturing further than their own selves like showing their anger to their peers

eLearning CE: Activity 3 Tay Zhi An (17)

A leader

What traits do they have?:

A leader should be charismatic in a way that even without social status or material resources, still can forge out a realm for his own. He must also sometimes manage himself under another leader although he can rebel. He must also be able to base himself at a location which is best for him and others. He must attack with reason. The people must also follow him. He must also be open to others in any case, even with others he dislikes.

How do you think a good leader manages crisis under stressful situations?
A good leader always manages crisis first by cooling down in any case of anger. Secondly he always evaluates on whatever is better for him. Then he makes his move and retaliate back (must be with reason).

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Velmurugan Pravin(18)

Traits a leader must possess
1) Being able to listen: Often time leaders of companies talk too much and listen too little

 2)Being able to acknowledge and change: This is one of the hardest characteristics to adopt in your life. Change is hard for people and they often resist it.

3)Communication: This is probably one of the most important aspects of being successful. Even if your primary means of communication is the internet, you may need to use face to face communication down the road .

4)Display high levels of confidence and optimism: Successful people are not afraid of failure and they believe in themselves. They look at every struggle as a path to their success.

Leaders must manage their stress by taking some time to relax to prevent their anger from venturing further than their own selves like showing their anger to their peers

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Kuu Wei Xiang Nicholas (09)

1) They possess Strong leadership that other people trust
2) They seek help of others, instead of hiding the problem to themselves

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Chang Zhuo Kai Marcellus (5)

A good
leader MUST possess traits like:

• Build trust between team members.

• Inspire and motivate teamwork for achieving goals.

• Influence valuable changes.

• Be open to new ideas coming from team members.

• Consult frequently with key team members.

• Establish an open discussion for decision making.

• Distinguish the team from others – create an identity for the

• Encourage and support independent thinking.

• Recognize the skills of key team members and utilize their
strengths to the benefit of the team.

• Define and state expectations and objectives with the team
members. Ensure that all members understand the missions ahead.   

• Eliminate disagreements between members – be the mediator. Set a
behavioral code if necessary.  

• Consider giving incentives to boost results.

• Evaluate results in a timely fashion.

How do
you think a good leader manages crisis under stressful situations?

Good leaders
often look at the situation continuously and try to understand the situation
properly before acting on the solution to that situation. 

A lousy font type porductions


eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Yong Ming Yang (23)

  Successful leaders possess many traits, such as being consistent, positive, responsible and etc. Consistent as in being a tyrant today and the next day being very kind and thus confusing group members/employees. Positive as in encourage your group members/employees when they're not doing well and encourage them to do better even if they have done well. Responsible as in if your group members/employees make a mistake, it is the leader's responsibility to help him/her improve.

  I think a leader should stay calm and think carefully before doing anything in a crisis situation as a wrong move could worsen the situation. He or she should also inform the group members/employees about what has happened so they do not get a shock when something goes wrong.

Reference: http://www.asashop.org/autoinc/jan2005/manage.htm

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Isaac Lim (10)

1. Leaders are able to build excellence, they are trustworthy, they have strong vivions of the future, they are: honest, competent, forward-looking, inspiring, intelligent, fair-minded, broad-minded, courageous, straightforward and imaginative.

2. I think that to handle a crisis, a leader must remain calm and level headed, he/she also must try to think of as many options available in order to handle this crisis, and the leader has to make the correct decisions according to the situation in order to lead the team on the right path and settle this ordeal.


eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Yeo Hung Kye (22)

What leaders plan for:
  1. Focused on a goal. "When they graduate they will be deployed to lead a platoon, probably in Afghanistan or Iraq. They know the responsibilities and the risks. And everything they are doing is preparing them for that moment. Do you know what your primary mission is at work?"

What leaders strive for:
  1. Continuous improvement. "They work in an organization that is continually striving to be better. When a mistake happens, the Army tries not to let it happen again. Are you aligned with the right organization? Or if you're leading that organization, are you prepared to change things that aren't working, even if change could be hard or even a reversal of something you implemented?"

What leaders do:
  1. Practice for success. "These cadets are given the physical and mental training that will help them do their jobs at the highest level. They know you have to be able to perform a task perfectly under normal conditions before you can expect to do it in a stressful situation. Can you say the same thing? Are you able to do your job at a high level every day? If not, then you should not be surprised when you make the wrong decisions under pressure."

sources: http://www.bnet.com/blog/harvard/under-pressure-learning-to-be-a-clutch-leader/8956

eLearning CE: Activity 3 Saishwar Thirumagan Sri (14)

A leader must be:
  • Honest - Display sincerity, integrity
  • Forward-looking - Has a 'vision' of the future of what they want and how to get it.
  • Inspiring - Display confidence in all that he does.
  • Intelligent - Read, study, and seek challenging assignments.
  • Fair-minded - Treats everyone as one and make sure there is no biasses.
  • Broad-minded - Seek out diversity.
  • Courageous - Has the perseverance to accomplish a goal, regardless of the seemingly difficult obstacles. Display a confident calmness when under stress.
  • Straightforward - Use judgment to make a good decisions at the right time.
  • Imaginative - Make timely,creative and appropriate changes in your thinking, plans, and methods.
A leader who works under stress would be the best leader compared to one who does not have any stress. He must have focus, discipline, adaptability, being present, and fear and desire. He must be focused on a goal, have continuous improvement and practice for success. He also must be able to work with others well in order to succeed.

eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Alvin Tang Kai Wen (15)

  • What traits do they possess?
  •         Goal direction

    --They know where they stand, where they want to go and have a plan to

    get there.

            Self motivation

    --As self starters, they wind their own clock.

            Positive mental attitude

    --Successful people look for ways to complete tasks. They focus on

    strengths and break self-imposed limitations created by low self esteem.

    Thanks to(sites) : here

  • How do you think a good leader manages crisis under stressful situations?
  •     I think that a good leader will take a break when needed(to relax himself),having passion and being optimistic that the crisis would be over, having a mental toughness so as not to have mental breakdown. During the crisis, the good leader should have a cool head, not get to angry when being criticise. Try not to leave early or get sick often. Do what he/she said as soon as possible.

    Sunday, March 20, 2011

    2011 eLearning Week: Instructions for ACTIVITY 3

    Research on lives of a leader.
    • What traits do they possess?
    • How do you think a good leader manages crisis under stressful situations?
    Submission of Work 
    1. Post your research in the blog (as shown in the table below) via email.
      • The class Character Education blog is newly created. You have not been invited as a co-author yet.
    2. Craft your research findings in an email.
      • Cite the resources that your referred in at the end of the write-up.
    3. Set the Subject title of the email to be: eLearning CE: Activity 3 - Your Name (Reg number)
      • Example: eLearning CE: Activity 3 Timothy Tan (25)
    4. Email your research to the email address given in the Googlesite.
      • Your post will be published automatically on this class Character Education's blog.